Before and After (All the hard work)!
First off, it needs to be understood that there is no magic pill that will create results like this. If anyone tells you otherwise, they are lying to you. If anyone promises you that changes like this can be made in one session or overnight, again, they are lying to you. Want the real secret to results like this? Keep reading…
Honestly, most dancers have the flexibility/joint mobility to create this tilt (and other dance moves), but some may not so it is important to complete a movement assessment to understand if this is a limiting factor for you! If it is determined that this is limiting you, then DAILY efforts need to be made to stretch for prolonged periods of time.
This is the area I see dancers struggle with the most. If mobility isn’t the problem then it is most likely a strength/control issue in the deep muscles of the hips or the core. These muscles are almost always undertrained in most adolescent dancers and something I always target during dance specific strength training sessions. As noted earlier, your strength is NOT going to magically improve overnight. This can take 4-6 weeks (or longer) to see large results.
If you want ideas on how to strengthen your hips, head over to my Instagram page here. and check out some challenging hip and core exercises!
The most overlooked piece of many dance moves is the balance/proprioception that is required to complete them! Particularly in the adolescent dancer, when the body is changing in shape and size almost daily it seems, which can make things like coordination and balance suffer drastically. Completing daily balance/coordination exercises will help with just about every aspect of your dance!
The absolute ONLY way you will see the results you want is by being consistent with the training. If you’re not, the lack of results will show.
Lastly, I cannot stress it enough how important having realistic expectations is when it comes to improving any aspects of your dance performance (or health in general). I think a lot of the fitness industry leads you to believe there is a supplement or “quick fix” to your health or performance goals. On the contrary, the good news is that if you want it bad enough, you can achieve whatever it is that you want, PERIOD.
So, if you’re a dancer that is looking to take their performance to the next level head on over to this page and schedule your discovery session with me (virtually or in person) to see how I can help you reach your dance goals!